[Food] Macadamia Mountains

Heute Nacht so gegen 1 Uhr brauchte ich eine kurze Pause vom BA schreiben und was entspannt mich mehr als eine Runde Sport? Genau – Backen!!! ^^ (Wenn man die Uhrzeit beachtet, wären mehr als Sit-Ups als Sporteinlage eh nicht drin gewesen…)

Ich hatte noch eine Dose Macadamianüsse zu Hause und wollte unbedingt etwas Keksmäßiges machen.
Als Grundlage habe ich dieses Rezept HIER genommen.

Fräulein hat aber Zartbitterschokolade genommen (eh viel gesünder als Weiße XD) und wie man auf den Fotos erkennen kann, habe ich die Schoki und Nüsse auch nicht besonders klein gehackt. Sollte schließlich nur eine kurze Pause werden.
Im Rezept steht geschrieben, dass man einen Teelöffel zum Portionieren verwenden soll. Ich habe aus dem Teig der Einfachheit halber neun große Teigbällchen geformt.
Nach 15 Minuten Backzeit konnte ich mein Werk dann bestaunen, die Kekse sind nicht wie erwartet zerlaufen, sondern sind recht hügelig geblieben -> daher auch der Name “Macadamia Mountain”!
Probiert habe ich nur einen halben Keks, hmmm leckere, noch flüssige Schokolade! Die andere Hälfte gab es heute Morgen zum Frühstück!
Den Rest werde ich irgendwie verschenken :))

Probiert das Rezept doch auch einmal aus! Für Macadamiafans ein Muss! =)
Bis Bald eure

(Visited 174 times, 1 visits today)

17 Kommentare

  1. Step1
    CLOSE THE FILES OR FOLDER, IF OPEN. To password protect folders in VISTA, you should first close them. This is particularly true if you are setting password protection to an executable file (.exe) or a folder that contains an executable file (also called a program). If you are unsure of an executable file’s status, press control+alt+delete to view all programs running.
    LOCATE THE FILES OR FOLDERS YOU WISH TO PASSWORD PROTECT. Do NOT click to open the file or folder. You can find files or folders by using the “COMPUTER” tool in your Vista Start Menu.
    RIGHT CLICK ON THE FILE OR FOLDER’S ICON. To access the option to password protect folders in VISTA, right click on the file or folder icon. Select “Properties”, at the bottom of the resulting pop-up menu.
    CLICK THE ‘SECURITY’ TAB IN POP-UP WINDOW. In the pop-up Properties menu, click the ‘SECURITY’ tab on the top right of the pop-up window.
    CHANGE FOLDER PERMISSIONS. In the Security menu, you will see two white text boxes. The top box shows various users and user groups on your computer. Highlight the user group you wish to deny access to the program and click the “edit” button between the two boxes. You should now be able to add or deny access to the program for the selected user by clicking options in the bottom white text box. Edit the options for each user or user group you wish to deny access to. Click apply after editing for each user. When finished, click “OK”. Next, click “OK” on the Security window to approve changes. You have locked the program down and users must now access your Vista user account by password to access the program. Once logged into your Windows Vista user account, you will not have to supply the password to access the file or folder.
    TEST ~ To make sure you actually did lock Internet Explorer, try to open the program. Log out of your user account and log in as the user you have locked out of file or folder. If you are unable to locate the file or folder as the prohibited user, you did password protect folder in Vista.

    Hope it helps you.

  2. Nice article, If you would like set the access authorities for those files or programs, such as, to hide or lock them, to deny copy or delete etc, and likewise want to monitor their utilization, the File Encryption will probably be your best choice.

  3. USB Encryption Program increase in the usage of small, large capacity flash drives, the possibility of very sensitive information to be lost or stolen has become a serious threat! How can you protect our from cyber criminals, loss, or theft? idoo USB encryption will probably be your best choice.This software can assist you to guard our data.

  4. Full disk encryption is encryption in the hard disk level. This software performs by automatically converting data on a hard drive into a form that can not be comprehended by everybody who doesn’t have the essential to “undo” the conversion. Without the correct authentication essential, even when the difficult hard drive is taken away and used in a different machine, the data remains inaccessible.

  5. Nice article, If you would like set the access authorities for those files or programs, such as, to hide or lock them, to deny copy or delete etc, and likewise want to monitor their utilization, the File Encryption will probably be your best choice.

  6. Nice article, If you would like set the access authorities for those files or programs, such as, to hide or lock them, to deny copy or delete etc, and likewise want to monitor their utilization, the File Encryption will probably be your best choice.

  7. Nice article, If you would like set the access authorities for those files or programs, such as, to hide or lock them, to deny copy or delete etc, and likewise want to monitor their utilization, the File Encryption will probably be your best choice.

  8. USB Encryption Program increase in the usage of small, large capacity flash drives, the possibility of very sensitive information to be lost or stolen has become a serious threat! How can you protect our from cyber criminals, loss, or theft? idoo USB encryption will probably be your best choice.This software can assist you to guard our data.

  9. USB Encryption Program increase in the usage of small, large capacity flash drives, the possibility of very sensitive information to be lost or stolen has become a serious threat! How can you protect our from cyber criminals, loss, or theft? idoo USB encryption will probably be your best choice.This software can assist you to guard our data.

  10. USB Encryption Program increase in the usage of small, large capacity flash drives, the possibility of very sensitive information to be lost or stolen has become a serious threat! How can you protect our from cyber criminals, loss, or theft? idoo USB encryption will probably be your best choice.This software can assist you to guard our data.

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